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Photos Of Cat Falling In Love With A Heater During Cold -
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Photos Of Cat Falling In Love With A Heater During Cold

Photos Of Cat Falling In Love With A Heater During Cold

It is not a surprise that we all love watching cat videos on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or literally anywhere. There is no doubt that cats are cute but some of them does such silly and sweet things that it makes them even cuter. In cold, every person likes to stay near the heater to keep their body absolutely warm and this principle applies to cats too. It is not only the people who feel chilly but also the cats.

This is the story of the cat named Busao whom Ryuji Tan adopted from the streets of Ibaraki (where he lived). The cat is just 9 years old and his pictures and videos are all over the internet and we cannot deny that he is really one of the cutest cats. The surprising part however, was when he fell in love with a heater in winter and was not allowing himself to go away from it at all. Here are some of the most beautiful pictures of Busao being completely in love with the heater and he doesn’t seem to go anywhere else

Source : Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The way he looks at the heater is definitely romantic. Jokes apart, look at him enjoy the heat.



He also tries to go as close to the device as possible. Isn’t it looking so sweet?



Definitely, he looks like he is living in a different world altogether. Most probably a world where only he and the heater is present.


I genuinely wonder what he does when the heater is turned off. No wonder he would be very sad.



He can sit there all day and night long and watch the heater glow while he feels the warmth in his body.



Well, he can just sleep as well rather than sitting and watching. Is he dreaming about the device, though?
