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These fishermen thought they saw a seal on an iceberg, until they looked more closely -
Home WOW These fishermen thought they saw a seal on an iceberg, until they looked more closely

These fishermen thought they saw a seal on an iceberg, until they looked more closely

These fishermen thought they saw a seal on an iceberg, until they looked more closely

Life around the sea is full of surprises. Sometimes, the surprises are pleasant. However, most of the times, they are just super deadly. While you are in the middle of the sea, nature will definitely show you something fascinating and unusual. When a group of fishermen, Mallory Harrigan, Cliff Russell and Allan Russell were recently sailing offshore just a few miles from Labrador, Canada, they came across something amazing. On the top of a mushroom-shaped iceberg, there was a creature that wasn’t well acquainted with swimming. They thought it was a seal. However, it was a starving and terrified Arctic fox which was under the attack of the circling seagulls.

Seeing the arctic fox in displeasure, the fishermen decided to do whatever they can to save its life. They took their boat near the iceberg and brought the arctic fox inside it. One of the fishermen said, “He was trying to run away from us at first we had a really hard time getting him aboard. We had to break the ice he was on and get him with the dipnet. He fought and fought to get away until he literally couldn’t move anymore.”

They the crew made a nice makeshift bed for that weak creature and its health finally started to improve. Mallory said, “We scooped him up and he retreated to the corner. He was too weak to do anything when we brought him aboard, he slept most of the way! When we came to he was a bit nervous but once we fed him he was pretty calm. He wouldn’t eat at all for the first 5 or 6 hours. We gave him chips and crackers but he didn’t want anything until he woke up and we fed him a tin of Vienna sausages.”

Later, the fox was released back in its natural habitat. It was fed with sausages which made it look very healthy. According to Mallory, the arctic fox is still seen in William’s Harbour.










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